AboutThe Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative seeks to couple tuition assistance and student support to ensure that every Colorado student has affordable access to postsecondary opportunities, and can complete a degree or certificate necessary to enter their desired position in Colorado’s workforce.
ImpactJeffco Schools Foundation is a COSI recipient and partner, with nearly $1M in available combined resources to provide scholarship support in 2021 and beyond.
The Jeffco Schools Foundation is providing $430,000 in scholarships through the support of the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI) to increase the accessibility and affordability of obtaining a college degree at the University of Colorado Boulder. Through generous donations from individuals and industry partners such as The Ball Foundation, CU Boulder will be able to double the impact of COSI dollars with matching scholarship funds for a combined total of more than $860,000 in student awards. Jeffco Public Schools students will receive the scholarships and academic enrichment programming to support their success and degree completion in partnership with CU Boulder’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement (ODECE). In 2020, over $800,000 in supports were available to students. |